**Incomplete: All work must be completed within two weeks of the end of the marking period. Extensions with administrative approval for unique and extenuating circumstances will be considered. |
Student-Parent Handbook
Watchung Hills Regional High School is committed to developing students of character. Guided by core values of honor and responsibility, the faculty does its best to model ethical behavior and help students make morally sound decisions. When students come to realize the significance of these values and embrace them as guiding principles for their conduct, a culture of honesty grows and shapes the school community.
The goal of these guidelines, then, is to help students avoid academic dishonesty, which is defined broadly as any attempt to give, receive, or otherwise use any form of unauthorized assistance or any attempt to gain an unfair advantage when completing any type of academic work. As a school community we do our best to make expectations on all assignments clear, but students are responsible for asking questions when unsure about any assignment guideline. Seeking clarification helps prevent academic dishonesty.
Types of conduct that expressly fall within this category include but are not limited to the following:
*Obtaining and/or distributing copies of tests and quizzes or other egregious plagiarism/cheating incidents by any means in or out of school is considered a serious violation to our integrity police and will be handled by Administration and will be subject to discipline greater than actions listed below.
Disciplinary Action
When a student has engaged in academic dishonesty, the following consequences will be imposed.
Please note that Infractions are counted across all subject areas. Plagiarism is not limited to a specific course or academic discipline. Incidents are cumulative from one grade level to the next and across departments. These disciplinary measures outlined above will be applied to all WHRHS students beginning in 9th grade.
Students are encouraged to participate in after-school activities and athletics. In addition, there are other reasons why students need to remain after school (i.e. extra help from a teacher, using the library, detention, etc.). At all times, students must be in the company of a teacher or advisor. Students are not permitted to stay after 2:15 pm without a pre-determined destination. Students found after school without purpose will be given a warning. A repeat offender will be brought to central detention and remain until 3:45 pm. A parent will be notified. Further disciplinary actions will be taken for those students who continue to be in violation of this rule.
A student who has lost credit in a course due to excessive absences, may appeal the decision to Administration based on the following procedures:
a. If credit is lost, no credit (NC) will appear on the student's transcript.
b. Underclassmen who lose credit in a course may be required to take the course the following year or take the course on-line.*
In the event of non-attendance, it is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to notify the attendance office on the morning of the child’s absence. Unless legitimate prior notice has been given, the attendance office will contact a student’s parent/guardian to verify the absence. Upon the student’s return to school, the parent/guardian must supply a note indicating the date(s) and reason(s) for the absence. Any student who returns to school with a medical note following an illness/injury must report to the attendance office. All medical notes must be received by the attendance office within two (2) weeks of the date of absence in order to be excused. Please note that every 3 lates to the same class equates to an unexcused absence in that class.
Considerations for excused absences:
Students are not permitted to take driving lessons during the school day.
Though we understand that students occasionally will be absent because of plans made by their family, please note that these absences are unexcused and should be avoided when possible. For each day a student is absent, they have two calendar days to make up work. Assignments are posted on Google Classroom while you are out.
Full-Year Course*
Semester Course*
*See Appeals Physical Education/Health Students who have been medically excused for a period of time must return to PE on the date the medical note expires or will be in jeopardy of losing PE credit unless all missed PE classes are made up. The New Jersey Department of Education requires high school students to participate in 150 minutes of PE/Health a week. If a student accumulates more than six (6) absences in PE, they are required to make-up classes by completing 3 make-up classes for each class needed. See your PE teacher to schedule make-up classes which are held twice a week, 2:15 - 2:40 pm (25 mins) and must be completed within the same marking period. If a student needs to make-up classes in the following marking period, it must be approved by the PE department supervisor. If a student accumulates more than six (6) absences in health, administration will decide whether or not if the course will be repeated the following year, or is to be taken on-line. |
Students are required to be in their first time slot by 7:30 am.
1. If a student arrives in class after 7:30 AM, they are considered tardy.
2. If students arrive between 7:30 and 8:25 am, they must report to the designated sign-in table located in the Atrium outside the Main Office. Any student reporting after 8:25 am must sign in at the attendance office located in the Main Office.
3. Any student who arrives to school after 7:30 am will be considered tardy. When a student is tardy a third time to the same class during the first time slot, the student will be charged with an unexcused absence for that class. Excessive tardiness to school can result in loss of credit in one or more courses.
4. Any student who arrives after 8:00 am will be considered absent from their first time slot of the day.
5. Any student arriving during passing time must still sign in. They should go to the attendance office. Students not signing in will receive a cut for each class missed on that day.
6. Any junior who accumulates 15 tardies during their junior year will forfeit their opportunity to get a parking spot during their senior year.
7. Any student who is assigned a parking space on campus is responsible for maintaining a commendable attendance record. If a student accumulates 15 tardies, whether excused or unexcused, he/she will lose the parking space for the remainder of the school year.
8. Attendance is required in study hall including when the student’s study hall falls in Time Slot 1. Such "lates" to study hall will count toward the WHRHS "late policy."
Tardiness due to personal illness, religious observance, medical appointments, and other compelling reasons to be approved by the administration will be considered excused if a medical note is provided. All other tardies will be considered unexcused, including automotive problems. A tardy will only be excused if a medical note is produced within two (2) weeks of the tardy date.
Students will be assigned disciplinary actions for excessive unexcused tardies according to the schedule below. Any note that is received by the attendance office after the two (2) week requirement stated above, will be considered an unexcused tardy.
This is handled through the discipline policy.
Any student who wishes to be excused from school before 2:15 pm must present a written note from the parent/guardian to the attendance office one day in advance. The note must include a verification telephone number and reason for the early dismissal. This includes students who drive. A phone call will be placed home confirming that the student will be leaving school. A person from the attendance office must make contact with a parent/guardian to confirm an early dismissal for a student driving themselves. If contact is not made, the student will not be permitted to leave school, this includes students that are 18 years of age.
Students are required to attend all assigned activities including classes, study hall, and detention. Unless a student is legitimately absent from school or has had the prior approval of a teacher or administrator to be out of an assigned area, a student who is not in attendance will be marked as cutting. A student who is more than 10 minutes late to a class without a pass (other than the first class of the day), will be assigned a cut for that class. Administrators will assign the student 7 points with the appropriate penalty for each offense. Cuts are considered serious violations. Students who lose credit due to cutting class will not be afforded the opportunity to participate in the appeals process. Any assignment, quiz, or test will receive a grade of zero if a class is cut.
Cutting Physical Education/Health
In Physical Education and in Health the student loses credit upon the 2nd cut.
Cutting Same Class (semester)
a.1st and 2nd cut: Administrator assigns the student 7 points for each infraction with the appropriate penalty. Parent/guardian will be notified by letter.
b. 3rd cut: 7 points assigned. Student conference with the administrator to determine the status of the student. Loss of all credit for the course with no option to audit. Notice will be sent to parent/guardian.
Cutting Same Class (year course)
a. 1st and 2nd cut: Administrator assigns the student 7 points for each infraction with the appropriate penalty. Parent/guardian will be notified by letter.
b. 3rd cut: Administrator will assign the student 7 points. Penalties from the Personal Assessment System will be applied. The student is placed on academic probation for that class.
c. 4th cut: Student conference with administrator to determine status of student. 7 points assigned and student will lose credit for the course with the option to audit. Notification will be sent to parent/guardian.
Truancy is defined as an unauthorized absence taken by the student without parental/guardian permission. A pupil who is truant will received an “F” for any graded work in class. Twenty-eight (28) points from the Personal Assessment System will be assigned, and the parent/guardian will be notified. Twenty-eight (28) points will be assigned for each additional incident of truancy, and the appropriate disciplinary action for the particular level of points reached will be dispensed.
The Board of Education believes that student participation in co-curricular activities is an invaluable aspect of the educational process. Participation must be in concert with acceptable overall academic achievement and standards of appropriate responsibility to set an example for others by the compliance with the rules and regulations of the school as well as with the academic requirements.
The faculty and administration are responsible for providing support and assistance to encourage the highest level of academic achievement possible from students participating in co-curricular activities. The Board of Education, the administration, and faculty want students to participate in as many co-curricular activities as possible. High school is a time to try new activities. Although specialization in one sport or activity may have advantages for few students, specialization can cause psychological and physiological burnout. Consequently, whenever possible, multi-sport/activity participation is encouraged.
The Board of Education recognizes that participation in co-curricular activities carries with it certain responsibilities. Student participants represent the school and community and must project positive images of both. They should maintain satisfactory academic achievement and standards of conduct. Both players and spectators have responsibilities.
Appeals Process
Students and/or their parents/guardians have the right to appeal the decision of the administration regarding eligibility except when a student is in direct violation of the minimum academic requirements established by the NJSIAA.
a. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the principal within five (5) school days after receipt of the notice of ineligibility.
b. The appeals committee will be composed of the vice principal, athletic director, supervisor of the related activity, and two faculty members.
c. The appeals committee will be responsible to render decisions related to all appeals in a timely manner.
The successive order of appeal is as follows:
The Responsibilities of Sportsmanship
The Player:
The Spectator:
All students are assigned bus routes. Each student will be notified of his/her route. Bus drivers are in charge of the bus and are responsible for student behavior. They are required by law to report all infractions of school regulations to an administrator. Any misbehavior on the bus will result in disciplinary action. Intentional and repeated infractions can result in loss of the privilege to ride the bus. The following rules should be observed at all times:
1. arrive at the bus stop on time
2. wait on the side for the bus or within the designated confines of the loading zone
3. because many stops are adjacent to private homes and businesses, respect the property of others
4. remain seated while the bus is in motion and keep arms inside the bus at all times
5. do not distract the driver or ask to make unscheduled stops
6. do not litter the bus or the road by throwing objects from the bus
7. do not smoke or use any electronic nicotine delivery device on the bus
8. do not use improper language on the bus
9. immediately report any damage on the bus to the driver
10. cooperate during the mandated emergency drill
During passing time, students are not permitted to purchase food or drinks to take to a classroom, nor are they permitted to leave a class to purchase food or drinks.
The Student Code of Conduct is based upon the underlying belief that all students have the right to a civil, safe, secure, and supportive school environment conducive to learning. It is the goal of the Code of Conduct that students become responsible for their own behavior. However, situations do arise which require action on the part of the school to modify student behavior in order to meet the expectations of the student code of conduct. Infractions brought to the attention of the administration will be given the appropriate time and consideration. Students are responsible for the accuracy of the information they provide regarding any incident and the lack of knowledge of school rules will not be considered an excuse for breaking school rules.
Student Expected Behavior (Board Policy 5500)
The Board of Education believes that pupils should commit themselves to learning and to the development of their unique potential. Pupils should know that their attitudes and acts affect both their own and their classmates’ learning and should accept responsibility for helping to create a positive school environment. With the support and assistance of school staff members and parent(s) or legal guardian(s), all pupils can contribute to the effectiveness of the schools and the value of their education.
The Board expects all pupils in this school district, commensurate with their age and ability, to:
1. Prepare themselves mentally and physically for the process of learning;
2. Respect the person, property, and intellectual and creative products of others;
3. Take responsibility for their own behavior;
4. Use time and other resources responsibly;
5. Share responsibilities when working with others;
6. Meet the requirements of each course of study;
7. Monitor their own progress toward school objectives; and
8. Communicate with parent(s) or legal guardian(s) and appropriate school staff members.
Progressive Discipline Plan
This program is designed to provide response to violations of school rules or behavior that disrupt the educational opportunities of other students. Points are assigned for violations of unacceptable student behavior. Consequences will result when a specific cumulative total is reached. However, administrative discretion applies in all circumstances. (Pursuant to N.J.A.C.6A:16-7).
Factors for Determining Consequences
Code of Conduct Violations
Infractions deemed in violation of the student Code of Conduct can be found below along with the corresponding point(s) value. A pupil’s conduct extends beyond school grounds and includes a school bus, a school-sponsored function, and as appropriate, conduct away from school grounds.
Discipline Infractions:
Disciplinary Actions:
* Disciplinary actions may also include counseling via School Assistance Counselor (SAC), loss of privileges (ie. parking, senior leave), participation in school sponsored programs, or any activities on school grounds.
Tobacco or electronic smoking device
Pursuant to Board Policy 5533, the use or possession of any tobacco products or any electronic device that can be used to deliver nicotine or other substances to the person inhaling from the device, including, but not limited to, an electronic cigarette, cigar, cigarillo, or pipe, or any cartridge or other component of the device or related products is prohibited on school premises, at any school function, or on school buses. These products will be confiscated and may be turned over to the Warren Township Police Department for testing. If the test results are positive, consequences for substance abuse will be administered. For the health and safety of the students, the nurse will conduct a medical assessment for any student found possessing or suspected of using any of these products.
Penalties for students found smoking or using any of these products or devices are cumulative over the four years of their high school career. Each infraction will result in:
Suspension and/or Saturday detention.
Mandatory parent meeting.
Mandatory counseling with the Student Assistance Counselor.
Current and future parking privileges will be revoked.
Subsequent offenses will result in the same consequences with additional days of suspension and detention.
Vaping/Smoking Policy Implementation Procedures
Restrooms will be carefully monitored by teachers and administrators.
School grounds will be monitored by teachers and administrators.
School buses will be monitored by bus drivers.
If an employee has reasonable suspicion that a student is in possession of tobacco products, marijuana, e-cigarettes, or any other drugs or drug paraphernalia, that student will be subject to a search of student’s person or belongings.
Any student suspected of being under the influence of any substance that impairs the student’s judgment will be sent for a drug/alcohol test in accordance with Board policy and regulation 5530.
Substance, Alcohol and/or Drug Abuse (Board Policy #5530-Alcohol and/or Steroid Abuse Regulation for further information).
The Board of Education recognizes that a pupil’s abuse of harmful substances seriously impedes that pupil’s education and threatens the welfare of the entire school community. The Board is committed to the prevention of substance abuse and the rehabilitation of substance abusers by educational means, but will take the necessary and appropriate steps to protect the school community from harm and from exposure to harmful substances. Accordingly, the Board will establish and maintain a comprehensive substance abuse intervention, prevention, and treatment referral program in the schools of this district.
If a faculty or staff member believes a student is under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, or found to be in possession of drugs and/or alcohol, the following procedures will take place immediately when it has been brought to the attention of the administration:
1. The student will be immediately escorted to the nurse for an initial medical assessment.
2. Parents/guardians will be contacted. The student must be picked up immediately; testing must be conducted within two hours to determine if the student is under the influence. If the doctor gives their consent, the student will be permitted back into school until the results of the test are confirmed.
3. If the test results are found to be negative, the student will remain in school and no further action will be taken.
4. If the drug test is positive:
a. The student will be suspended from school for a period of time, between three to ten days.
b. Parents/guardians must schedule an evaluation by an outside treatment facility. Proof of evaluation is needed within 30 days of the incident.
c. Students must meet with the Student Assistance Counselor during the week of their return.
d. Current and future parking privileges will be revoked.
e. Any student who refuses to be tested will be presumed to be under the influence and will be suspended for a period of ten days and must schedule an evaluation by an outside treatment facility; proof of evaluation will be required within 30 days.
It is illegal to possess and/or use any item viewed to be a weapon or facsimile weapon. Possession and/or use of these items on school grounds at any time will result in suspension from school as well as police notification. If there is a report of a weapon or facsimile weapon, including mace, the police will be called immediately to investigate the matter. (N.J.A.C.6A: 16-7.8)
*Students arriving AFTER 2:30 pm will not be permitted into detention, and will face consequences for missing detention.
Detention on Saturday Morning
Saturday morning detention is a discipline program that will be used to enforce the school discipline code. The program will run from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. The students will spend four hours in a quiet study. With permission of their parents/guardians, students may also be asked to help clean school grounds. Students not in compliance will be addressed through the Personal Assessment System. The following are the rules and regulations regarding Saturday Detention:
If a student is removed, they face further discipline that could result in additional Saturday detentions and/or suspension.
Consequences for Missing Detention/Removal from Detention
1st Offense: 2 detentions
2nd Offense: 10 points
3rd & subsequent offenses: 10 points & 1 day for each incident
Consequences for Missing Extended Detention/Removal from Detention
1st Offense: 2 detentions
2nd Offense: 15 points
3rd & subsequent offenses: 15 points & 2 day suspension for each incident
Consequences for Missing Saturday Detention/Removal from Detention
1st Offense: 2 Saturday detentions
2nd Offense: 1 day suspension
3rd & subsequent: 3 day suspension
Pursuant to Board Policy 5610, the Board of Education recognizes that even the temporary exclusion of a pupil from the education program of this district is a severe sanction and one that cannot be imposed without due process. The high school administrator may suspend a pupil from school when it is deemed necessary in the interest of student discipline and the well-being of the educational program. Suspension does not vacate the assignment of points nor does it mitigate the ancillary discipline. Returning to classes following a suspension shall require a parent conference. The following could result in suspension from school:
The above-cited infractions are also subject to assignment of points based upon administrative discretion.
While suspended, students are not allowed to participate in any school-related activities, attend any school-sponsored events (including home and away athletic contests), or be on campus for any reason.
The Watchung Hills Regional High School Board of Education often strives to include staff and students in a number of meaningful media-based activities. “Personally identifiable” information about a student may not be placed on the district’s website without prior written consent from the student’s parent/guardian. “Personally identifiable information” means student names, student photos, student addresses, student e-mail addresses, student phone numbers, locations, and time of class trips. A consent form will be sent home for parent/guardian approval.
However, it is possible that photographic images of our students may find their way into newspapers, television, etc. These images will be “public” images; that is, photographs or images taken when in public places at school. Unless students or their parents/guardians have objections to photographic images being displayed in such media, the images will be displayed as appropriate by the district. If students or their parents/guardians have any objections to the potential display of such images in the media, kindly contact the high school Main Office for referral to the designated administrator.
Although clothing can be reflective of personal style, taste and expression, instruction and safety remain our highest priorities. Therefore, certain types of clothing, which may be acceptable for recreational wear, or a work-out in the gym may not be suitable for school. The following list outlines violations, however, though not exhaustive can serve as a necessary illustration for students/families:
These guidelines are in effect on all school days as well as all school-related activities including off-campus events and field trips. Students who fail to comply will receive points under the Personal Assessment System. In order for students to remain in school when in violation of this dress code, parents/guardians should be prepared to make arrangements to have appropriate clothing brought to school.
The use of cell phones on campus during school hours is prohibited during the day with the exception of students being allowed to check their text messages during lunch time and during passing. Students are expected to stow their cell phones in the classroom cell phone holders during class. Students may refer to their cell phone within the confines of the classroom for academic purposes with teacher permission.
It is strictly prohibited for students to take unauthorized pictures or recordings without faculty or administrative approval. Students in violation will immediately have their phones confiscated and may face serious disciplinary consequences. At no time between 7:30 am and 2:15 pm should a student be talking on their cell phone. Any parent/guardian who needs to contact their child should do so through the Main Office by calling 908-647-4800. Students who are in violation will have their phones confiscated and will be returned to their parents.
Criminal use of cell phones including cameras and/or videos will be referred to local law enforcement and the phone will be confiscated. If a student refuses to hand over his/her cell phone or other electronic devices, the student will be considered insubordinate and subject to disciplinary action.
WHRHS will not be held responsible for items that are lost or stolen.
The use of cell phones on campus during school hours is prohibited during the day with the exception of students being allowed to check their text messages during lunch time and during passing. Students are expected to stow their cell phones in the classroom cell phone holders during class. Students may also refer to their cell phone within the confines of the classroom for academic purposes with teacher permission. It is strictly prohibited for students to take unauthorized pictures or recordings without faculty or administrative approval. Students in violation will immediately have their phones confiscated and may face serious disciplinary consequences. At no time between 7:30 am and 2:15 pm should a student be talking on their cell phone. Any parent/guardian who needs to contact their child should do so through the Main Office by calling 908-647-4800. Students who are in violation will have their phones confiscated and will be returned to their parents after 2:30 pm the following day. Criminal use of cell phones including cameras and/or videos will be referred to local law enforcement and the phone will be confiscated. If a student refuses to hand over his/her cell phone or other electronic devices, the student will be considered insubordinate and subject to disciplinary action.
WHRHS will not be held responsible for items that are lost or stolen.
School closings and delayed openings are announced between 6:30 - 7:30 a.m. on the following radio stations:
WMTR 1250 AM Morristown WOR710 AM
WCTC1450 AM New Brunswick WMGQ 98.3 FM
WKMB 1070 AM Stirling WKX 101.5 FM
WDHA 105.5 FM
Watchung Hills Regional High School is a separate district from Warren, Watchung, Long Hill, and Green Brook schools. The closings may not be uniform.
Do not call the local police; instead, please access our web site at www.whrhs.org.
If a delayed opening is announced, the school schedule and bus schedule will be adjusted two hours later. School will begin at 9:35 am.
Please click the link below for all WHRHS time schedules:
Time SchedulesAlthough field trips are an important part of the educational process and serve to enhance classroom lessons, students are not automatically entitled to participate in these trips. Only those students who have demonstrated good academic and disciplinary behavior will be permitted to attend. If students are not permitted to participate in a field trip, they are expected to be in school and attend all of their classes. Students are expected to adhere to all school policies/regulations. If a student is found to be in violation of any policy/regulation he/she will be subject to appropriate discipline.
Students are responsible for any cafeteria fines, books, technology equipment (including Chromebooks), or uniforms loaned to them. If any items are not returned or are returned damaged, fines will be imposed accordingly.
Please note that student fines (Library, Athletic, Technology, Textbook) can be found under the "Fees and Fines" tab in Parent Access.
If you have questions or wish to return an item or make a payment, please use the contact information below. Please make checks payable to WHRHS. Students with outstanding fines will not have access to report cards. Students with fines will not be eligible to purchase a parking decal. In addition, caps and gowns will be held and transcripts and/or diplomas will not be released until all outstanding obligations have been satisfied.
Athletic Uniforms: Ms. Lisa Martins - Room 126 ext. 4970 - lmartins@whrhs.org
Library Books: Mr. Scott Keele - Media Center ext. 4888 - skeele@whrhs.org
Chromebooks or other technology equipment: Mr. Anthony Meluso - Media Center ext. 4962 - ameluso@whrhs.org
Textbooks or department-specific obligations
English: Mr. James Aquavia - Room 285 ext. 2200 - jaquavia@whrhs.org
Social Studies: Ms. Anita Falvo - Room 315A ext. 4816 - afalvo@whrhs.org
Math: Mr. Michael D'Alessio - Room 31A ext. 2600 - mdalessio@whrhs.org
Science: Mrs. Heineman - Room Learning Commons ext. 2700 - gheineman@whrhs.org
World Language: Mr. Brad Commerford - Room 252 ext. 6848 - bcommerford@whrhs.org
New Jersey State Law requires at least one fire drill and one evacuation drill per month. During a drill, students are to move quickly and quietly out of the building. Fire exits and directions are posted in each classroom. Students should familiarize themselves with these directions in each classroom.
The Health Office is open daily from 7:30 am - 2:30 pm for problems related to health or health records and emergencies. Injured or ill students are admitted with a pass from their assigned teacher. If the nurse determines that a student’s condition warrants leaving school, it is necessary to contact a parent/guardian/designated adult. Such students will not be allowed to drive home without parent permission.
Emergency cards are collected in September and kept on file in the health office. It is extremely important to have updated home/work/cell numbers annually, and throughout the year as changes occur. Parents/guardians are urged to provide updated information regarding contacts in the event of an emergency.
Immunization requirements are mandated by state law. All students must provide written, documented evidence of having been immunized against diphtheria, hepatitis B, pertussis, tetanus, polio, measles and rubella. The only exceptions are a religious exemption or a medical contradiction, which must be submitted in writing.
Noncompliance with immunization requirements will result in exclusion from school.
Any request for immunization records must be submitted at least one week in advance of the date needed.
All students who require medication during school hours on a permanent or temporary basis must keep medicine locked in the health office to be administered by the nurse and have an “Administration of Medication in School Form” completed and signed by the parent/guardian on file in the health office. Those students with significant medical conditions (i.e. diabetes, severe allergies, asthma, heart condition, etc.) must complete an individual “Health Plan Form” at the beginning of the school year and submit it to the Health Office. Any student who returns to school with a medical note following an illness/injury must report to the attendance office.
The Board of Education shall provide instructional services to an enrolled student whether a general education student grade nine through grade twelve or special education student up to age twenty-one, when the student is confined to the home or another out-of-school setting due to a temporary or chronic health condition or a need for treatment that precludes participation in their usual education setting, whether general education or special education.
Home instruction is designed to assist students who are unable to attend school because of temporary or chronic health conditions or have a need for treatment that precludes participation in their usual education setting. Instructors will be provided when the school physician provides documentation detailing reasons for home instruction and the estimated length of time the student will be unable to attend school. A request for home instruction will be governed by the following guidelines: (R 2412-Home Instruction due to health conditions)
A. Request for Home Instruction due to a Temporary or Chronic Health Condition
1. A parent/guardian must contact the principal’s office and provide documentation from a physician detailing the reasons for home instruction and the estimated length of time the student will be unable to attend school.
2. The school's physician will either verify the need for home instruction or provide reasons for denial. The school will notify the parent/guardian of the school physician's decision within five school days after receipt of the medical note from the student’s physician.
B. School Responsibility
1. If home instruction is approved, the Home Instruction Coordinator will provide the parent/guardian with the names and contact information of the instructors. The parent/guardian will contact the instructors to make arrangements that are convenient for the parent/guardian, student, and instructor. If online instruction will be used, the Home Instruction Coordinator will coordinate instruction with the online provider.
2. The Home Instruction Coordinator will monitor and coordinate the collection of assignments and communicate with the parent/guardian, student, teacher, and instructor while the student remains on home instruction.
3. A student will be given one hour of instruction per core curriculum course per week. A student with an IEP will be given two hours of instruction per core curriculum course.
C. Parent/Guardian Responsibility
1. When an instructor visits the home of the student, a parent/guardian or other responsible adult (21 or older) designated by the parent/guardian must be present for all home instruction sessions. Under no circumstances may home instruction take place without the presence of another adult 21 or older. This policy cannot be waived. If a student must meet an instructor in a public setting, the parent/guardian must notify the principal's office in advance.
2. Cancellation of a home instruction session must be made 24 hours in advance. Cancellation of classes by the student or parent/guardian without adequate notice, or excessive cancellations will not be rescheduled. Though emergencies do arise, three or more consecutive cancellations or a pattern of cancellations that prevents effective instruction will result in the parent/guardian being responsible for payment of the home instructor's time and/or the termination of home instruction. If a parent/guardian repeatedly fails to make a student available for scheduled home instruction, the district board of education shall consider whether the student is truant in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:38-27 and proceed accordingly.
3. If home instruction lasts more than twenty school days, the parent/guardian must obtain an updated medical examination and note from the doctor, and the school's physician will evaluate the need for continued home instruction. The same process must take place after forty school days of home instruction and every 20 school days thereafter.
4. When the provision for home instruction for a student without disability will exceed sixty calendar days, the school physician shall refer the student to the Child Study Team for evaluation pursuant to N.J.A.C.6A:14, and a meeting will be held with the principal, vice principal, guidance counselor, parent/guardian, and a representative from the Child Study Team. For students with disabilities, the home instruction shall be consistent with the student's Individual Education Plan (IEP). When home instruction for a student with a disability exceeds thirty consecutive school days in a school year, the Child Study Team shall convene a meeting to review and, if appropriate, revise the student's IEP.
D. Teacher/Home Instructor/Coordinator Responsibility
1. The Home Instruction Coordinator will contact the classroom teachers requesting their availability to provide home instruction for their student. If the classroom teacher does not respond within two (2) days of notification, it will be assumed that an outside instructor is needed. The contracted home instructor will contact the classroom teacher for all assignments throughout the approved instruction timeline.
2. When the student returns from home instruction, the classroom teachers are responsible for making sure incomplete grades are corrected. Instructional modifications/accommodations are prohibited unless approved by the Director of Guidance and Department Supervisor. Students who have an IEP will continue to receive accommodations previously implemented.
3. The Home Instruction Coordinator will monitor deadlines and closure of home instruction.
E. Home Instructor Responsibility
1. The home instructor will contact the parent/guardian directly within 2 days to arrange a mutually convenient schedule for appointments and ensure the parent/guardian has a way to contact them directly in order to cancel a lesson.
2. The home instructor will pick up course materials from the classroom teachers and communicate directly with the classroom teachers for additional assignments or special directions. No instruction will be provided in the home unless the parent/guardian/adult, 21 or older, is present during the home instruction. If this is not possible, home instruction should take place at a public location.
F. Grading
1. Students on home instruction for less than 30 days will receive a grade from the classroom teacher. A home instructor will provide instruction in core content courses. If a home instructor is not available, the student will begin instruction through our online provider.
2. Students on home instruction for 30 days or more (cumulative or consecutive) will receive instruction for core content courses only with our online provider and receive a pass/fail grade for the year. Elective courses will be removed from the schedule. Students returning from home instruction must schedule a re-entry meeting with their counselor, the Director of Guidance, and the Director of Curriculum and Instruction. Scheduling issues will be discussed at this meeting.
3. Pass/fail grades received on home instruction are not calculated in a student's grade point average (GPA) at the high school level.
NJAC 6A:16-10.1
Issued: 21 October 2014
Reissued: 14 September 2016
In September, each student is given the option of purchasing insurance against accidents for the school year, beginning with the date that the insurance premium is paid. This insurance covers accidents that occur in school, in physical education classes, on school grounds, or in intramural sports and activities. The Board of Education provides insurance for accidents occurring in interscholastic sports. This insurance covers all varsity, junior varsity, and freshman athletes.
The Intervention and Referral Team (IRT) provides assistance to staff and parents/guardians for pupils who demonstrate learning, behavior and/or health problems. A collaborative problem solving approach is used to collect information and to develop action plans. To initiate services for at-risk students, a “Request for Assistance Form” should be submitted to the Student Assistance Program mailbox in the office. Forms can be obtained in the Main Office.
The Learning Commons is open daily from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm. All students must have a pass to enter the Learning Commons from 7:30 am to 2:15 pm. Passes are not required during lunch and after school. Students who want to use the Learning Commons during study hall, gym/health study, or lunch must obtain a valid pass from one of their current subject area or study hall teachers. Students must present their ID card to borrow materials.
Lockers are assigned to students. Students must use the locker assigned to them and should report any malfunction to the designated administrator. Lockers must be locked at all times. Lockers are the property of the Board of Education and, as such, may be inspected based on reasonable grounds that the pupil has violated or is violating either the law or the rules of the school. Under no circumstances shall a search be conducted based solely upon an anonymous tip and/or rumor. The extent or scope of the search shall be reasonably related to the objectives of the search and the nature of the infraction.
Valuables should not be brought to school and kept in lockers. Students may not share lockers. The school assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen articles.
If a student believes that personal property has been vandalized or is missing, the designated administrator’s office should be notified immediately. The student should fill out the proper form detailing the missing or vandalized property. The administrator will interview the student, investigate the matter, and make every effort to help the student recover the item. The filed report will be included in a monthly report to the principal. The student should periodically check the lost and found. Students should not bring valuables and large sums of money to school. All physical education lockers should be locked and items should not be left on the benches. The school assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen articles.
The Watchung Hills Regional High School (WHRHS) has a duty to locate, identify and evaluate all resident children with exceptional educational needs, regardless of the severity of their disability. Therefore, the school district has a special outreach program to locate all children with suspected disabilities who are residents of the district. Upon request, the school district will provide information to determine whether a special educational referral is appropriate. Such a request may be made by contacting the Director of Special Services, 108 Stirling Road, Warren, NJ 07059, or by calling (908) 647-4800 ext. 4835. Many educational opportunities are available in the community for children with disabilities. WHRHS provides special education and/or related services for children ages 14-21.
Successfully complete a minimum of 131 credits. The coursework must include the following course requirements:
General Information:
1. As a practice, the school district does not honor requests for teacher changes. Any concerns in this area need to be directed to the appropriate supervisor.
2. Schedules reflect the student's grade level for 2022-2023. Students are promoted to grade 10 if they have earned 33 credits at the end of grade 9; to grade 11 if they have earned 66 credits at the end of grade 10; and to grade 12 if they have earned 98 credits at the end of grade 11.
The schedule process at WHRHS is a very careful and important matter which requires the input of students, teachers, counselors, and parents. Students are making a commitment which determines the master schedule and staffing needs for the coming school year. Outlined below are acceptable reasons for course changes (including electives) once the schedules are finalized and before the start of the school year:
In addition, students who request to drop a course once school has begun must follow the deadlines as described below:
Semester One Course
Semester Two Courses
Year-Long Courses
Parents/guardians and adult pupils have the right to review the pupil’s entire record or any part(s) of it within 10 days of their request to do so, to have copies made, to challenge the contents of the record, and to insert any comments. Parents/guardians and adult pupils must give their written permission, or in other situations, receive prior notice before the school discloses student record information to an organization, agency, or person outside the district, unless the school has been instructed by law or court to do otherwise.
Student directory information, which may be released without permission, consists of the following: name, address, phone number, date/place of birth, participation in recognized activities/sports, height/weight (if a member of athletics), awards received, and previous schools attended.
Directory information, which is information that is generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released, can also be disclosed to outside organizations without a parent’s/guardian’s prior written consent. Outside organizations include but are not limited to companies that manufacture class rings or publish yearbooks. In addition, two federal laws require local schools receiving assistance under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) to provide military recruiters, upon request, with three directory information categories: names, addresses, and telephone listings, unless parents/guardians have advised the district that they do not want their child’s information disclosed without written consent.
The Student Assistance Program at WHRHS is an extension of the services offered by the Special Services and Guidance Departments. The program provides crisis intervention, counseling, substance abuse education, and referral services for students who are struggling with issues related to substance abuse, interpersonal problems, and school difficulties. There are two designated student assistance counselors (SAC); one is assigned to students alphabetically by last names in grades 9-12 (A-L) and the other to students alphabetically by last names in grades 9-12 (M-Z).
Counseling is private and confidential. Students must give their permission to inform or involve their parents/guardians in the counseling process. Parents/Guardians are always notified in a life-threatening situation. Prior to engaging in counseling, students are informed of their rights pertaining to confidentiality. The confidentiality of alcohol and drug counseling self-referrals is protected by federal regulation; this information can only be released with the student’s written permission.
The New Jersey Youth Helpline, 2nd FLOOR, is a toll-free anonymous and confidential helpline available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, to all New Jersey young people, ages 10 to 24. Youth can call 2nd FLOOR at 1-888-222-2228 to speak with professionals and trained volunteers who listen attentively, non-judgmentally and compassionately to issues and problems they are facing. Visit www.2NDFLOOR.ORG for more information and try the message board!
Senior Early Dismissal is a privilege given to those seniors who have a study hall during Periods 5-8. Seniors may leave only when their study hall is the last period of the day. If a senior has two study halls during the last two periods of the day, they may only leave during the last period. If a student for any reason is remaining for an after school activity they must go to the library or be with a staff member. No student should be walking the hallways during this time. In addition, Senior Early Dismissal may be taken away from a student for any disciplinary infraction at the discretion of administration.
When visiting the high school during school hours, you must stop at the visitor sign-in desk before proceeding to the office or any part of the school. If you have not previously signed in with photo identification, please be prepared to produce ID at the sign-in desk where you will receive a sign-in pass. We ask that you wear the sign-in pass so that it is visible to our staff.
Sign-in is required for all visits, including pick-up of a student at the Main Office or the Nurse’s Office. These precautions are for the protection of our students and everyone’s general safety.
The front desk does not accept food deliveries.
Returning graduates of Watchung Hills who wish to visit former teachers, may do so by calling the Main Office receptionist at (908) 647-4800 ext. 0, to make appropriate arrangements. Although former students are welcome to visit, visits will be honored only after 2:15 pm, so that the instructional program is not disrupted.
The Board of Education authorizes the use of video without audio surveillance monitoring devices in the school building and on school grounds. Therefore, all school buildings and school grounds within this school district may be monitored using such devices. Pursuant to board policy, we have posted notification in the Student-Parent Handbook as an effective means to publicize the district's use of said video equipment.
As of June 1 2023, working papers are to be processed online at http://myworkingpapers.nj.gov