Warrior Wellness
This page serves as an online resource for the Watchung Hills Community
to access information, activities, and support related to wellness.
Our goal is to provide our community with resources to enhance the social
and emotional wellness of all students and to maximize student development
in areas of: intellectual, emotional, social, and physical wellness.
- Student Assistance Counselors at WHRHS
- Rutgers LIGHT: Lifting Individuals to Growth, Healing, & Transformation
- Resources Beyond WHRHS
Student Assistance Counselors at WHRHS
Information About WHRHS' SAC Program
SAC Program Information
The Student Assistance Counselors (SAC’s) provide confidential in-school support to students who are struggling with issues that negatively impact school performance. The SAC works with students to develop healthy coping skills, reduce risk factors, and make positive lifestyle choices. Services include assessment, crisis intervention, psycho-education, short-term counseling and referrals to community resources. Students are encouraged to utilize these services for concerns about themselves or others.
Students can seek assistance on their own or be referred by any member of our school community. Referrals and services are confidential, and will not become part of the student’s school record.
Some common issues included: stress management, family concerns & transitions, relationships concerns (friends, dating, etc.), substance use, feelings of anxiety and/or depression, anger management, coping mechanisms, eating disorders, body image, bullying, school-related concerns, self-esteem and self compassion, peer and social problems, grief and loss, suicide prevention, and ANY other issues that teens may be dealing with in today's world.
Mr. Kevin Rice
Mr. Rice is now in his sixth year as a SAC at WHRHS, after 10 years at his previous school as a SAC and school counselor. He will offer support for any students struggling with any social emotional concerns, and likes to connect over topics including movies, music, sports and all things sci-fi. He went to Rutgers for Economics and can relate to the challenges of figuring life out as a teenager and beyond. He has two boys, ages 10 and 12, and lives in Cranford.
Where can you find Ms. Rice?
Mr. Rice's office is in Room 57A, in the languages hallway and next to the breezeway.
How do I contact Mr. Rice?
Feel free to email to setup an appointment or stop by anytime - our SAC offices are always open!
Email: krice@whrhs.org
Phone: 908-647-4800 ext 7963
Ms. Justina Mazzella

Student Last Names A-L
Kevin Rice, M.A.
908-647-4800 ext 7963

Student Last Names M-Z
Justina Mazzella
908-647-4800 ext 6866
Rutgers LIGHT: Lifting Individuals to Growth, Healing, & Transformation
Rutgers L.I.G.H.T
Lifting Individuals to Growth, Healing, & Transformation
WHRHS partners with Rutgers Behavioral Health to provide a school-based therapeutic program to students and families delivered by licensed clinicians. Rutgers L.I.G.H.T offers social and emotional support, psycho-education, skill-building, and therapy in a non-stigmatizing school environment. During 2022-2023, Rutgers L.I.G.H.T will also provide four caregiver engagement events in collaboration with the district's SEL initiatives.
If you have any questions on how to get linked with Rutgers L.I.G.H.T, please see a School Counselor, Student Assistance Counselor or Case Manager.
Resources Beyond WHRHS
Additional Resources
NJDOE Resources
Trauma-Informed & Healing-Centered Practices
New Jersey’s students represent culturally rich and diverse backgrounds, each coming to school with their own individual set of experiences. Sometimes, these experiences can be of an adverse or traumatic nature which can impact the student’s academic achievement and social/emotional development. Schools have the opportunity to establish supportive, positive learning environments and practices for all students that not only provide structure but are also safe, welcoming, and relationship-centered. Doing so can help mitigate the effects of any trauma or adversity a student may be facing and support positive growth.
Crisis Resources
- NJ PerformCare: 877-652-7624
- National Suicide Prevention Helpline: 988
- 2nd Floor Youth Helpline: 888‐222‐2228
- Psychiatric Emergency Screening Services: 908-526-4100
- Family Crisis Intervention Unit: 732‐542‐2444
- Traumatic Loss Coalition: 732‐956-7782
- New Jersey Hopeline: 855-654-6735
- Somerset County Hope and Healing Program: 908-231-6414
Community Resources
Meeting Dates: TBD (a new group start is on the horizon!)
More details: Facilitated by John Mopper, LPC at Blueprint mental health. Click here for link: https://blueprintmentalhealth.com/groups-and-workshops/
Dates: Virtual meetings the 1st Monday of the month from 4:30pm-5:30pm
Details: Prevention Resources is facilitating an LGBTQ+ Advisory Group for teens in Central Jersey. Use QR code on flier to register. Click here for flier.
Dates: Virtual meetings on Wednesdays @ 6pm on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the month
Details: Open to the public - do not need to be in treatment at Center for Discovery. Register Here.
GIRLS GROUP: *The out-of-pocket cost per session is $75, and insurance options are available.*
Dates: In Person meetings biweekly on Thursdays @ 5pm
Details: Girls Group is open to young women ages, 12-16 years old, regardless of background or experience with mental health services. This inclusive group is a judgment-free space for everyone, whether participants are looking to develop personal insights or simply enjoy connecting with peers in a positive environment. To register or inquire further, please contact us at Office@HopeStreamLMFT.com or by calling or texting 908-821-6231.
Location: Hope Stream Family Therapy at 1136 US Hwy 22, Suite 101, Mountainside, NJ 07092
Dates: Virtual meetings Mondays 6-7pm EST
Details: Open to anyone who is currently in treatment, in recovery, or has not yet sought treatment for a mental health disorder. Register Here.
COUPLES WORKSHOP: "Like Each Other Again"
More details: Invest 6 hours of your life to reconnect with your partner, improve the quality of your relationship, and learn research proven strategies to like each other more using Gottman's Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work Curriculum. This workshop is perfect for couples on the fence about therapy and is presented by Michele Mopper, LPC, LCADC, ACS through Blueprint Mental Health in Somerville, NJ.
Meeting dates: Weekend & weekday options. Click here for more details: https://blueprintmentalhealth.com/groups-and-workshops/
Location: Blueprint Mental Health in Somerville, NJ
Dates: ongoing
More details: Drop-In Parent Consults are for parents who are on very different pages with their parenting approach and are looking for a neutral third party to share their perspectives with and receive direct feedback & recommendations. For more information, visit here: https://blueprintmentalhealth.com/drop-in-parent-consults/
More details: OYS created this resource directory of Youth Serving Agencies for Programs Serving Somerset County. Directory is updated every 2 years and is available in-print & online.
Link to online directory: https://shorturl.at/SUYqz
Contact Information: Phone: (908) 704-6355 Email: QAL@co.somerset.nj.us
More details: Information, referrals, coordination and support for parents, caregivers and their children at no cost. All calls and emails will be returned within 24 hours.
MAC PARENT MEETING: *online & free*
Dates: Virtual meetings 7-8pm on Wednesdays
Details: For any parent who has interest in learning about psychoeducation in relation to teen mental health and addiction.
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/vwr-
Or dial: (US) +1 304-691-0066 PIN: 218 155 420#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/vwr-hejd-ros?
Link: https://www.biteyourtonguepodcast.com/
Details: "Did you ever expect being the parent/caregiver of an adult child would be so difficult? Introducing "Bite Your Tongue," a look at exploring that next chapter in parenting: building healthy relationships with adult children. From money and finance to relationships and sibling rivalry, we cover it all. Even when to bite your tongue! Join your hosts Denise Gorant and Kirsten Heckendorf as [they] bring together experts, parents and even young adults to discuss this next phase of parenting. [They] will chat, have some fun and learn about ourselves and our kids along the way!"
MY CHILD & ADDICTION: Parent-to-Parent Podcast
Link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/my-child-addiction/id1233772510
Details: "Conceived and developed by three fathers whose children struggle with Substance Use Disorder. Joined by several other parent support group participants, their hope is that by sharing their stories other parents and family members are offered a little encouragement and heartfelt support as [fellow travelers on] this most challenging journey together." Access via iTunes & Google Podcasts.