Watchung Hills Regional High School Strategic Plan 2020-2025
Goal #1: Social/Emotional Growth & Wellness
All students will be supported by programs and services that promote social, emotional and mental health.
Goal #2: Pathways to Educational Success for All
All students will benefit from equitable opportunities to engage in activities that expand their knowledge and experience in order to pursue personalized educational goals in and beyond the classroom.
Goal #3: Imagination, Creativity, Innovation, Critical Thinking
All students will learn through enriched and innovative educational experiences to be competent, responsible, and ethical participants in a dynamic global community.
Goal #4: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
All students, staff and visitors will be welcomed into a culturally responsive school environment where diversity, equity and inclusion are shared and expressed values.
Goal 1
Goal 1: All students will be supported by programs and services that promote social, emotional and mental health.
Objective 1.1
Objective 1.1: Enhance counseling services and programs to support student growth and development.
68% Overall
40% |
Implement Recognized ASCA Model Program for High School Counseling (RAMP), a comprehensive and data informed school counseling program based on national standards. When: 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2025 Who: Director of School Counseling, School Counselors, Student Assistance Counselors, Director of Special Services, CST, Mental Health Provider |
Starting in the 21/22 school year, School Counselor updates to PDPs to align with the ASCA mindsets & behaviors for student success from the ASCA national model During 22/23, school counselors and SACs utilized use of time calendar and Annual Student Outcome Goal Plans(resources from the ASCA model) For 23/24, will further implement ASCA model resources, recommend use of NJSCA eval rubric for counselors starting in 24/25. Approved two school counselors for curriculum writing Summer 2024.
100% |
Review and conduct PD on the standards and process. When: 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2023 Who: Director of School Counseling, School Counselors, Student Assistance Counselors, Director of Special Services, CST, Mental Health Provider |
Provided PD to school counselors on the model - initial full day PD session provided in August ‘22 from ASCA Trainer Dr. Karen Griffith and two hour “check-in” PD scheduled for August ‘23 |
100% |
Conduct self-assessment and make recommendations to BOE related to program and staffing changes for 2023/2024 school year. When: 7/1/2022 - 6/30/2023 Who: Director of School Counseling, School Counselors, Student Assistance Counselors, Director of Special Services, CST, Mental Health Provider |
During 22/23, conducted self assessment of WHRHS’s School Counseling Department in regard to alignment with ASCA model re: the role and responsibilities of the school counselors, compliance with counselor:student ratios, PD opportunities, etc. |
100% |
Implement BOE approved changes to program and/or staffing. When: 7/1/2023 - 6/30/2024 Who: Director of School Counseling, School Counselors, Student Assistance Counselors, Director of Special Services, CST, Mental Health Provider |
For 23/24, District/BOE supported hire of two new school counselors to keep within ASCA national model ratios. |
0% |
Apply for RAMP approval. When: 7/1/2024 - 6/30/2025 Who: Director of School Counseling, School Counselors, Student Assistance Counselors, Director of Special Services, CST, Mental Health Provider |
For RAMP application: Requesting curriculum writing hours for SC Dept staff to work Summer 2024 on lesson plans, closing the gap action plans, vision and mission statement of the department. |
Objective 1.2
Objective 1.2: Balance student learning with wellness needs in making decisions relative to assignments.
62% Overall
100% |
Examine district needs to identify opportunities for additional homework free zones. When: 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2022 Who: Director of C&I, Principal, Supervisors , Director of Technology |
Homework/Assessment free zone calendar developed. Implemented beginning with Lunar New Year 2022. |
25% |
Examine existing course curricula to identify opportunities to further develop and utilize OnCourse as a resource/database for staff to collaborate and share lesson plans, assessments infused with SEL strategies. When: 7/1/2023 - 6/30/2024 Who: Director of C&I, Principal, Supervisors , Director of Technology |
During 23/24, will work with Director of C&I and Directors/Supervisors to include SEL resources/strategies into OnCourse or otherwise for teachers to utilize in lesson planning, etc. Creating a shared document for all staff with classroom (Tier 1) SEL strategies would be useful. Shared an initial draft of WHRHS In-Class SEL Strategies (Tier 1 of NJTSS)* to consider adding to the the Modifications for Diverse Learners Document in Oncourse for all lesson plans. |
Objective 1.3
Objective 1.3: Address staff needs in the successful integration of social emotional learning.
88% Overall
100% |
Survey staff and provide Professional Development to further integrate SEL into the curriculum. When: 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2022 Who: Director of School Counseling, Director of Special Services, Director of C&I, Principal, Director of HR/PD |
Director of School Counseling oversees the annual surveying of staff, students, parents/families utilizing the Rutgers NJSCI (formerly MLECS) survey. Rutgers clinicians survey staff on PD topics of interest. Rutgers provides Lunch and Learn sessions for staff on SEL topics during each school year. 2022-2023 topics:“Creating Responsive Environments for LGBTQIA+ Youth.” and “SEL Strategies for Supporting Students Emotional & Mental Health Needs” During 23/24, will continue with staff survey through Rutgers School Climate Survey (NJ SCI) and provide PD to staff on integrating SEL into the curriculum including PD day on 8/30 |
100% |
Develop partnerships and articulations with colleges and other professional organizations to assist in the district's efforts towards integration of SEL into the curriculum. When: 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2024 Who: Director of School Counseling, Director of Special Services, Director of C&I, Principal, Director of HR/PD |
Since 7/1/21, the district has developed partnerships with Rutgers SCTP, Rutgers LIGHT(school based clinical services), NJSCA and ASCA to assist in the district’s efforts towards integration of SEL into the curriculum. Director of School Counseling, Jason Sabino, currently serves as 2023-2024 President of NJSCA. |
100% |
Formulate plans for counseling staff to expand opportunities to provide classroom and group SEL education and services to students. When: 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2023 Who: Director of School Counseling, Director of Special Services, Director of C&I, Principal, Director of HR/PD |
Counseling staff have expanded opportunities to provide classroom and group SEL education and services to students through SAC presentations in Empower, Health Courses (all grade levels), and groups provided to students through SACs and Rutgers LIGHT. School Counselors utilize the PSAT day to meet with and present to all 9th grade students. Additionally, counselors meet with groups of students throughout the year and individual meetings with students as needed. |
50% |
Further develop and align district initiatives and committees (ex. School Safety, School Climate, Wellness Committee, Behavior Threat Assessment Team) for assessment and support to students. When: 7/1/2023 - 6/30/2025 Who: Director of School Counseling, Director of Special Services, Director of C&I, Principal, Director of HR/PD |
Behavior Threat Assessment Team held initial meeting August 2023 BTA team established, training held for staff, all members of the BTAM team attending PD. Spring 2024 will share NJSCI survey feedback with faculty, BOE, students and families. Director of School Counseling will discuss with HR Director/PD attending SCIP meeting in the spring to discuss further. |
Objective 1.4
Objective 1.4: Empower students to make ethical choices in personal, social, and academic decision-making.
64% Overall
100% |
Investigate by gathering input from each department about specific (and content related) integrity violations. From the collected data, create a uniform department specific checklist of what constitutes academic dishonesty specifically in that content area. When: 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2022 Who: Director of C&I, Principal, Vice Principals, Supervisors, Teachers |
Checklists for each curriculum area are complete based on teacher and supervisor input. |
100% |
Teachers implement the checklist of cheating "standards" into their curriculum. When: 7/1/2022 - 6/30/2023 Who: Director of C&I, Principal, Vice Principals, Supervisors, Teachers |
Teachers have incorporated items from the checklists into their class syllabus, providing verbal explanations of expectations at the beginning of the semester and reviewing throughout the semester. |
100% |
Provide staff professional development on addressing and preventing integrity policy violations, specifically in regard to appropriate/inappropriate use of AI. When: 7/1/2022 - 12/31/2022 Who: Director of HR/PD, Vice Principals, Supervisors |
Strategies for Success session offered for WHRHS staff, “Brainstorming Solutions to Reduce Academic Integrity Issues.” Academic Integrity violations have shown a decline this year. Participants turnkeyed information to their departments. |
100% |
Develop and restructure meaningful assessments that encourage students to make ethical choices. Create database of assessments accessible by all teachers. When: 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2025 Who: Director of C&I, Principal, Vice Principals, Supervisors, Teachers |
The database was created and teachers have submitted meaningful assessments to be shared as models with colleagues. |
50% |
Expand the “meaningful assessment” program to all staff with further adjustments based on their curriculum needs. When: 7/1/2023 - 6/30/2025 Who: Director of C&I, Principal, Vice Principals, Supervisors, Teachers |
Department meeting time has been and will continue to be utilized to discuss and make adjustments to assessments in relation to our integrity policy. |
75% |
Gather data and feedback from teachers, supervisors, and vice principals. Look to see if there is a lower percentage of integrity violations tied to assessments. When: 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2025 Who: Director of C&I, Principal, Vice Principals, Supervisors, Teachers |
Data for the last several years has been complied and shared with supervisors. Overall, data shows a decrease in integrity violations since becoming an area of focus. |
0% |
Adjust programs based on feedback, data, and curriculum changes. When: 7/1/2024 - 6/30/2025 Who: Director of School Counseling, Director of Special Services, Director of C&I, Principal, Director of HR/PD |
50% |
Survey teachers to reflect upon, and find out the impact of the uniform standards. When: 7/1/2023 - 6/30/2024 Who: Director of C&I, Principal, Vice Principals, Supervisors, Teachers |
Informal survey of staff members during department meetings to ascertain areas of concern regarding academic integrity violations. |
0% |
Adjust/finalize standards based on data from the previous year. When: 7/1/2024 - 6/30/2025 Who: Director of C&I, Principal, Vice Principals, Supervisors, Teachers |
Objective 1.5
Objective 1.5: Provide a supportive and welcoming environment to facilitate a seamless transition of incoming ninth graders and other new students to the high school.
80% Overall
100% |
Review our current ninth grade/new student transition plan, make recommendations that would help support and welcome our new students. When: 2/1/2022 - 6/30/2022 Who: Director of C&I, Director of School Counseling, Principal, Vice Principals, Supervisors, Teachers |
DLT meeting in 2022 utilized to review the current 9th grade/new student transition plan. |
100% |
Explore opportunities for incoming students to receive authentic feedback from current students. When: 7/1/2022 - 6/30/2023 Who: Director of C&I, Director of School Counseling, Principal, Vice Principals, Supervisors, Teachers |
9th Grade Orientation Program expanded to include an April evening event. Current students provide incoming students with feedback via a panel discussion and during peer leader tours in small groups. |
100% |
Enhance opportunities and programs for incoming ninth and transfer students to be on campus prior to starting freshman year. When: 7/1/2023 - 6/30/2024 Who: Director of C&I, Director of School Counseling, Principal, Vice Principals, Supervisors, Teachers |
9th Grade VP organizes and provides summer tours for rising 9th grade and transfer students. Additionally, organizes a half-day orientation in August. Rutgers School Based provides a “new student transition group” to review healthy transition skills for high school success. Additional supports for transitioning students including:
20% |
Explore revisions to the 9th grade master scheduling to allow opportunities for interdisciplinary team of teachers with shared teaching periods, prep periods, classroom space. When: 7/1/2024 - 6/30/2025 Who: Director of C&I, Director of School Counseling, Principal, Vice Principals, Supervisors, Teachers |
Discussions with Director of C&I, School Counseling, Principal, Vice Principals Supervisors and Teachers will continue into 23/24 with initial goal for 24/25 “roll-out” Held December ‘23 meeting with members of the leadership team to discuss 9th grade master schedule opportunities. Will consider scheduling teachers of different disciplines during a shared period to provide opportunity for interdisciplinary instruction utilizing Design Thinking starting the 24/25 school year. |
Objective 1.6
Objective 1.6: Foster student self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship skills in achieving health and wellness goals.
90% Overall
100% |
Review and conduct Professional Development for staff on Social Emotional Learning and Multi-Tiered System of Supports for counseling and Child Study Team staff. When: 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2023 Who: Director of School Counseling, Director of Special Services, Director of C&I, Director of PD, PE Supervisor |
PD provided for School Nurses, CST & School Counselors and SACs to utilize C-SSR scale. Rutgers Clinicians provide PD to the school counselors, SACs, CST and teachers. SACs participate in additional PD on delivery of the MTSS and RTI. |
100% |
Integrate SEL practices through classroom lessons and programming and tier support for students identified. When: 6/1/2021 - 6/30/2023 Who: Director of School Counseling, Director of Special Services, Director of C&I, PE Supervisor |
Counseling staff have expanded opportunities to provide classroom and group SEL education and services to students through SAC presentations in Empower, Health Courses (all grade levels), and groups provided to students through SACs and Rutgers LIGHT. School Counselors, SACs, School Counselors provide Tier 2 and Tier 3 services. Various enhancements to tier 2 and tier 3 support provided through I&RT and Empower Program including opportunities for student credit recovery, original credit, SEL support, in-person summer school, Edgenuity software. Over the past three academic years and going forward, Student Assistance Counselors and school based clinicians (currently Rutgers) provide annually eight after-school/evening presentations for parents. During the 22/23 school year, SACs facilitated an after-school event for students entitled “Be Kind to Your Mind”. In February 2023, SACs offered a presentation in Spanish for students/families; Rutgers worked to provide student groups in addition to individual and family counseling. |
100% |
Conduct self-assessment for students and make required changes to SEL in the curricula and delivery of programs. When: 7/1/2022 - 6/30/2023 Who: Director of School Counseling, Director of Special Services, Director of C&I, PE Supervisor |
See above and use of Rutgers School Climate (NJSCI survey) for student feedback. This work is never “done”, but additional resources put in place to assess student needs and MTSS programs. |
100% |
Further develop and implement social skills, coping skills, study skills, groups for all (including general education) students facilitated by counseling staff. When: 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2023 Who: Director of School Counseling, Director of Special Services, Director of C&I, PE Supervisor |
Counseling staff have expanded opportunities to provide classroom and group SEL education and services to students through SAC presentations in Empower, Health Courses (all grade levels), and groups provided to students through SACs and Rutgers LIGHT. School Counselors, SACs, School Counselors provide Tier 2 and Tier 3 services. Additional group summer programs also offered to students through Rutgers LIGHT “New Student Transition Group” |
50% |
Infuse aspects of these concepts and an annual self-assessment inventory as part of the curriculum (delivered in Health courses). When: 7/1/2024 - 6/30/2025 Who: Director of School Counseling, Director of Special Services, Director of C&I, PE Supervisor |
Discuss further with Director of C&I and Supervisor of Phys. Ed during the 23/24 school year. Consider utilizing student feedback from the NJSCI |
Goal 2
Goal 2: All students will benefit from equitable opportunities to engage in activities that expand their knowledge and experience in order to pursue personalized educational goals in and beyond the classroom.
Objective 2.1
Objective 2.1: Ensure that individual student learning needs are met through varied programs and supports.
95% Overall
90% |
Incorporate RTI/MTSS (Response to Intervention/Multi-tiered System of Supports) into current Intervention and Referral Services Team support system. When: 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2025 Who: Director of School Counseling, Director of Special Services |
New programs include: Peer tutoring program Empower credit recovery program SAC focus groups based on student needs Rutgers grief groups |
90% |
Assess in-school academic support programs for success to determine need for more targeted based programming. When: 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2024 Who: Director of School Counseling, Director of Special Services |
Introduced peer mentoring for MLL students by our World Language students 9th Grade Transition Program |
100% |
Reintroduce Peer Outreach program. When: 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2022 Who: Director of Special Services, Supervisors, Director of C&I |
Reintroduced the Peer Outreach Class in 2021 and has continued each year since Expanding to the arts department in 23-24 Pilot of buddy program in PE for 24-25 SY |
100% |
Create a Peer-mentoring program between National Honor Society students and students in younger grades. When: 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2022 Who: Director of Special Services, Director of School Counseling, Director of C&I |
Students utilize an online form to submit the type of assistance/courses they are looking to receive mentoring help with including current program level which are then distributed to the appropriate NHS students to follow-up with the students requesting assistance |
Objective 2.2
Objective 2.2: Connect students to purposeful academic and co-curricular opportunities in support of their career and personal educational goals.
76% Overall
60% |
Propose new academic opportunities to academic council. When: 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2025 Who: Supervisor of Arts, Director of C&I |
Organic Chemistry |
60% |
Promote and assess current co-curricular offerings for interest. Expand offerings if needed. When: 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2025 Who: Supervisor of Co-Curricular |
Including, but not limited to: |
100% |
Create a unified school calendar of events. When: 7/1/2022 - 6/30/2024 Who: Principal, Superintendent, Board of Education, Director of IT |
Initial roll-out in September 2023 via Google for ALL district events, activities, rotating drop schedule, etc. that is more user-friendly and mobile compatible Completed and rolled out (9/6/23) |
60% |
Promote experiential learning beyond the walls of schools through virtual or physical tours, learning experiences and/or competitions. When: 7/1/2023 - 6/30/2025 Who: Director of C&I, Supervisors |
Expansion of Work-Based Learning and Career Internship Programs for both Special Ed and General Ed Students Have purchased and are beginning to explore use of AI/VI software and hardware in learning Piloting Microsoft Co-Pilot, Magic AI. Evaluating security and sustainability to determine which to utilize moving forward. |
100% |
Enhance use of Naviance for college and career planning. When: 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2023 Who: School Counseling Department |
Introduced to 9th graders at initial counselor conferences |
Objective 2.3
Objective 2.3: Partner with constituent districts on curriculum alignment in order to contribute to consistency, readiness and success of incoming ninth grade students.
80% Overall
80% |
Continue curriculum conversations and articulation learning walks with each K-8 district by content area and WHRHS staff. When: 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2025 Who: Supervisors, Principals, or Designee Director of C&I |
Learning walks with HS and K-8 staff have expanded to all departments. Joint PD with 9-12 and K-8 Special Services Departments Articulation meeting of HS and MS counselors regarding 9th grade scheduling Learning Walks with K-8 districts for 23-24 School Year: |
80% |
Provide formal opportunities for WHRHS staff to collaborate in person and/or virtually, through department meeting time, with their peers in the middle school on a quarterly basis. When: 7/1/2022 - 6/30/2025 Who: Director of C&I, Supervisors |
See above. |
Objective 2.4
Objective 2.4: Strengthen relationships with colleges, universities, and institutions to enhance post graduate academic and career opportunities for students.
75% Overall
75% |
Build opportunities for broad professional experiences reflective of industries of interest via facilitation of networking and internship experiences. When: 7/1/2023 - 6/30/2025 Who: Director of Special Services, Director of Guidance, Director of C&I, Transition Coordinator |
Students have participated in internship programs including but not limited to plumbing, retail stores, restaurants, flower shops, assisted living communities, auto body, and daycare. Additional placements for 23-24 include Stirling Diner, Hallmark, Warren Racquet Club |
100% |
Implement an annual Career Day to include representatives from various professions for students to learn more about. When: 7/1/2022 - 6/30/2023 Who: School Counseling Department |
Reintroduced in Spring 2023 In planning stage for Spring 2024 Career Day Annual Career Day/Expo on May 29, 2024 The event to include: |
50% |
Offer senior experience elective to explore different opportunities and options for future employment and potential careers. When: 6/1/2024 - 6/30/2025 Who: Director of School Counseling, Director of Special Services, Director of C&I |
75% |
Strengthen relationships with colleges and universities that target the interests of the WHRHS student body. When: 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2025 Who: Director of School Counseling |
Expansion of colleges represented in our programs, including College Admission Night, Instant Decision Days, Admission representative visits Expansion of use of Naviance College and Career Search Program |
Goal 3
Goal 3: All students will learn through enriched and innovative educational experiences to be competent, responsible, and ethical participants in a dynamic global community.
Objective 3.1
Objective 3.1: Foster a global mindset through innovative and collaborative curricular and co-curricular learning opportunities.
48% Overall
100% |
Explore our use of social media and expand our online presence to promote events and activities. When: 9/1/2021 - 6/30/2022 Who: Supervisor of Co-Curricular, Director of Athletics |
Established sub-committee Purchased social media management platform Hootsuite Assigned supervisor roles to moderate social media posts Integrated social media into website |
30% |
Create promotional videos for clubs and elective courses and post to the school YouTube page. Create a video version of the Program of Studies. When: 1/1/2022 - 6/30/2025 Who: Supervisor of Co-Curricular, Department Supervisors |
Established sub-committee Set guidelines, goals, and objectives for promotional videos Produced Wood Arts video which has been posted to 24-25 POS Seven other POS videos are in production |
15% |
Create a virtual exchange program to help provide a connection with other schools, national and international. When: 9/1/2022 - 6/30/2025 Who: Director of C&I |
Objective 3.2
Objective 3.2: Expand STEAM opportunities to meet individualized student career and interest needs.
48% Overall
50% |
Look for ways to expand current opportunities and afford additional opportunities to showcase work via events, displays, etc. When: 9/1/2021 - 6/30/2025 Who: Director of C&I, Departmental Supervisors, Instructional Staff |
Reviewed current event schedule Held a regional science fair |
70% |
Create a STEAM/Design Lab. When: 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2025 Who: Leadership Team, Instructional Staff, IT Department, Innovation Team |
Referendum passed Architectural plans shared with stakeholders and feedback received Equipment reviewed for STEAM Lab with teachers and supervisors Currently working on departmental educational outcomes 3D rendering of STEAM Lab shared by architects New STEAM equipment ordered Construction Begins in June 2024 |
25% |
Create a portal for students and teachers to offer and exchange expertise (i.e. jingles, screenplay writing, logo design). When: 9/1/2024 - 6/30/2025 Who: Instructional Staff, Students, Innovation Team |
Wood Arts students are offering services for engineering design classes utilizing design thinking. |
Objective 3.3
Objective 3.3: Support innovative instruction, design-thinking, and problem-solving through student and teacher application of technology.
30% Overall
10% |
Establish an Innovation Team to inspire teachers by reviewing, recommending, and demonstrating innovative strategies and programs. When: 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2023 Who: Leadership Team, Tech Committee, Media Specialist, Instructional Staff |
Formed sub-committee Held discovery conversations with leadership from other districts with similar programs |
50% |
Engage in professional learning to focus on integrating design-thinking into courses and obtain certifications in education technology platforms. When: 7/1/2022 - 6/30/2025 Who: Director of HR/PD, Director of C&I, Instructional Staff, Innovation Team |
Began discussions with PD vendors about a Design Thinking workshop. Discussions with the subcommittee about forming a pilot group of teachers to receive training and schedule follow-up meetings throughout the year. Held a Design Thinking and Ethical Design workshop attended by a cohort of faculty members. Follow up meetings and training are scheduled. |
Goal 4
Goal 4: All students, staff and visitors will be welcomed into a culturally responsive school environment where diversity, equity and inclusion are shared and expressed values.
Objective 4.1
Objective 4.1: Foster a culture of acceptance, respect, and support for all members of our learning community.
81% Overall
100% |
Expand the 9th grade health curriculum to include Leading With Character curriculum to promote EQ. When: 9/1/2021 - 6/30/2022 Who: Director of C&I, Supervisor of PE/Health, Health Teachers |
Department meetings and PLCs devoted to expanding the definition of what it means to be healthy in mind, spirit and body RtI for incoming 9th graders to promote wellness and help them develop a sense of belonging as they learn distinct behaviors that work at WHRHS |
85% |
Plan speakers/events around topics of hurtful and discriminatory behavior and how to address it with changing high school culture. When: 3/1/2021 - 6/30/2025 Who: Principal, Vice Principals, Director of School Counseling, Director of C&I, Admin Team |
We have supported our ELL students in a variety of ways including counselor outreach, SAC meetings and group counseling. Additionally, our WL supervisor meets one on one with students not to only determine language proficiency but to offer SEL support. |
60% |
Ongoing training for our Equity Team, staff, faculty, and students. When: 9/1/2020 - 6/30/2025 Who: Leadership Team |
Kicked off Equity PD in 2020 with a series of sessions for District Leadership Team, Diversity Club, and Equity Team facilitated by US2 Consulting. US2 facilitated sessions for students, parents and community. We have expanded Peer Outreach and our Peer Leadership program over the past two years to incorporate training with our Director of SE and our VPs. PD focus on Design Thinking across departments and levels. |
80% |
Continue to participate in professional development opportunities focused on helping supervisors/directors use data to increase achievement and the well-being of all students, with a focus on eliminating disparities and increasing student engagement. When: 1/1/2021 - 6/30/2025 Who: Leadership Team |
We continue to use data including from grade books, standardized test scores including the AP Potential Report (which we receive with PSAT scores) to identify underrepresented students and publicize AP academic opportunities. Our teachers and counselors are asked to meet with students who are developing capacity by the end of the first semester to encourage these achievers to challenge themselves at a higher level as we begin scheduling for the following year. Math department and leadership team are looking at strategies for increasing student engagement in math classes, including adjustments to sequence as well as additional instructional time. General education teachers participated in professional development sessions focused on supporting our increasing multilingual learner population in all classes. Humanities teachers participated in professional development focused on alignment to new standards. |
Objective 4.2
Objective 4.2: Enhance spirit, collaboration, and positive relations within the school community.
96% Overall
100% |
Develop tools to identify students by interest, talent, team, or service experience in order to help staff members develop a connection with students through learning more about their outside interests and activities. When: 9/1/2021 - 6/30/2025 Who: Principal, Director of School Counseling, Director of C&I, Admin Team, Teachers |
We are continuing to expand ways to identify interests of our students and utilize our Learning Management System to develop icons that help our teachers understand our students’ interests as well as learning challenges. |
100% |
Expand the reach of and access to our club fair through expanded hours, social media, etc. in order to increase student awareness of and participation in offered opportunities. When: 9/1/2021 - 6/30/2022 Who: Principal, Vice Principals, Department Heads, Director of School Counseling, Director of C&I, Director of Special Services |
We continue to use Canva and our Airtame boards as well as the Warrior Weekly, student newspaper and our approved social media platforms in addition to announcements by students themselves to help publicize the multiple opportunities students have to get involved. We have seen continued interest in the: Club Fair, Hillshacks, ALS Talent Show, various athletic fundraisers, TEDx and the STEAM Fair. |
100% |
Plan welcome back events throughout the year to build more school spirit. Continue to provide school events as gathering places to share pride in the school, which include athletic competitions, arts celebrations, and other events. When: 9/1/2021 - 6/30/2023 Who: Principal, Vice Principals, Supervisor of Co-Curricular Activities |
We continue to ask our student leaders for their best ideas on how to motivate the student body to show connection to our community and have seen much success in student to student outreach, and some of our student sponsored events and spirit weeks have seen increased school pride. These events are open to anyone who wishes to participate and have included recently: United Against Hate, Active Minds club, Kiss the Pig, and oversubscribed coffee houses. Implemented free admission for students for student athletic events. |
80% |
Facilitate the creation of non-graded activities/benchmarks focused on our common humanity and provide discussion and writing time monthly within classes to discuss topics of cultural relevance including the benefits of diversity and the responsibilities of global citizens. When: 9/1/2021 - 6/30/2023 Who: Principal, Director of HR/PD, Director of C&I, Supervisors |
Our humanities courses focus on relevant historical and current topics which demonstrate to students our common humanity. Continuing to expand project based learning for students ready to find a problem in our surrounding community and help solve it (has included partnerships with ALS and, in the future, With Grace) Continue to expand and enhance events, including STEAM Fair, hillsHacks, TEDx. Redesigning purpose of flex days to incorporate character education |
100% |
Collaboratively develop an annual assembly for 9th grade students to include diversity experts and other professionals to participate in a panel discussion during October. When: 9/1/2021 - 6/30/2022 Who: Director of C&I |
Our newest students are welcomed into our community through various forums and with a focus on understanding the diverse students/families who make up our Learning Community and the importance of “belonging” through the 9th grade health curriculum. During PSAT Day in October, with the help of the Lions Club, teachers, and counselors, we have planned panel discussions with parents, organizations and experts presenting to our students around topics including equity and global identity. |
Objective 4.3
Objective 4.3: Grow social responsibility, empathy and awareness through a culturally responsive curriculum and specialized extracurricular activities.
88% Overall
100% |
Incorporate more 21st century ways of student announcements/ communication. When: 9/1/2021 - 6/30/2024 Who: Director of IT, PAC Staff, Supervisor of Arts, Arts Teachers |
TVs with Airtame installed in high traffic areas to publicize school news and events. Hootsuite utilized for social media presence. |
80% |
Integrate a half day of service into the school year by class, by school counselor, by health class or by discipline. Work with the All School Council Lions Club, Communities in Crisis, and the Interact Club to ask students to brainstorm where they think their peers would want to volunteer. When: 7/1/2023 - 6/30/2025 Who: Directors, Supervisors |
Students participated in a day of service on MLK Day - coming to school on a day of closure to write cards in different languages for kids in need. We would also like to have students do another in-service or school-wide fundraiser to promote service and to give kids one more opportunity to give back as they use the last day more productively. We are also supporting a pilot program of service in several humanities classes. 12th grade students serving as interns in our K-8 districts Looking to pilot service opportunities for 2nd semester seniors in 24-25. |
80% |
Bring guest speakers in from PTO, Lions Club, and parent community to augment standards-based curriculum. When: 9/1/2021 - 6/30/2025 Who: Directors, Supervisors |
For 9th graders through 12th graders, we invite community members and other experts from Communities to be guest speakers for our students. We have had many speakers which included college professors, police officers, Holocaust survivors, veterans, and last year a doctor who is on the forefront of researching Crispr technology(gene editing). This year we hope to continue our outreach as we augment our standards based curriculum with an emphasis on careers, and how a culturally responsive school culture can promote neurodiversity and divergent design thinking. |
80% |
Edit the student handbook with our DEI values, including zero tolerance for racist, homophobic, aggressive, or inappropriate language or behavior. A careful definition of terms, identification of infractions and a hierarchy of disciplinary action. When: 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2025 Who: Vice Principals |
Our student handbook is edited annually. This year in order to continue to improve, we will solicit feedback from educators, coaches, and students through PAG. Additionally, we have invited educational admin. interns to provide feedback on the latest research. |
100% |
Plan collaborative learning opportunities for students and staff to learn together in small groups about how to improve the school culture, how to respond to microaggressions and how to make school a safe space for all involved. When: 9/1/2022 - 6/30/2024 Who: Directors, Supervisors |
We have engaged outside experts to facilitate PD Training on the Opening Days of school and throughout the year. One new offering includes cross-departmental PD by representatives from AsianAmEdu who will share multiple resources for teaching core texts and Asian history. We also regularly meet with student leaders through the PAG and the advisors/students from the Diversity Clubs to solicit ideas for improving the culture for all. |
Objective 4.4
Objective 4.4: Partner with constituent districts in support of a K-12 developmental approach as students grow in understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
76% Overall
75% |
Integrate restorative justice practices into our school culture and student discipline protocols. When: 7/1/2022 - 6/30/2025 Who: Vice Principals |
Our school principal and DCI attended conferences to hear from national experts about the challenges facing school disciplinarians in integrating progressive discipline that works. We will continue to research proven practices and outreach to other successful school districts who have seen transformative behavior by embedding restorative justice in their student code of conduct. |
75% |
Meet with Diversity Club advisors from K-8 districts to discuss alignment of student expectations, K-12, as well as restorative justice practices. When: 7/1/2022 - 6/30/2025 Who: Vice Principals |
The Learning Walks hosted by the high school in all disciplines were positive forums to discuss how student diversity continues to grow in our schools. We have also added a student luncheon component in June 2023 and May 2024 for all our K-8 districts to bring 8th grade student representatives/leaders and teachers to our school to discuss with our student leaders suggestions on how to best contribute to a culturally responsive community when they arrive as 9th graders. |
80% |
Develop structure for WHRHS students to communicate with 8th graders about the culture and expectations at WHRHS. When: 7/1/2022 - 6/30/2025 Who: Principal, Vice Principals |
Over the past three years, we have worked to make the orientation(s) for our 9th graders more meaningful with increased facilitation by our current students rather than staff - student panel, tours, visitations to middle schools by club representatives, etc. 9th graders visiting 8th graders to communicate about transition to WHRHS. |