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Watchung Hills Regional High School Watchung Hills Regional High School


Facilities Stats and History



The Watchung Hills Regional School District consists of one (1) school; located at 108 Stirling Road, Warren,New Jersey. The school consists of 1 and 2-story structures with a gross floor area of 397,890± square feet. The school has multiple outdoor athletic facilities at the east and north ends of the property.


The district has five (5) multi-use fields, five (5) tennis courts, one (1) permanent varsity baseball field with bleachers, one (1) permanent football/soccer field with a track, bleachers, and a concessions stand. Four (4) of the fields are located across the street on Mountain Avenue. These fields also have a separate parking area with a comfort station. The balance of the athletic facilities are on the same site as the school building.


The school fronts on Stirling Road, and is bounded on the south by Route 78, residential neighborhoods on the east and Mountain Avenue on the north. The original building was constructed in 1956 and has had additions in 1960, 1964, 1971, and 2007. The entire building is fully sprinklered. The original 1956 building is a 1-story brick and block building with aluminum windows.

The original building contained a gymnasium, auditorium,cafeteria, library, and two (2) wings of classrooms.The 1960 and 1964 additions are both 2-story structures comprised mostly of brick and block construction with full height curtain walls. These additions expanded the existing cafeteria, added two (2) gymnasiums, expanded the existing library, added music classrooms, science labs, and other classroom spaces. The 1971 addition is a 2-story structure that originally was a completely separate structure from the 1956-64 building connected with a breezeway. The 1971 addition added an additional cafeteria, relocated the library,added another gymnasium, and added another wing of classrooms. The upper story contains science labs and social studies classrooms. The 1971 addition is mostly brick and block construction with cementitious panel systems integrated throughout the façade.

The 2007 addition re-faced a large portion of the entire building along Stirling Road. The two-story addition added a performing arts center, music and art classrooms, and an additional gymnasium and wrestling room. The addition is comprised of multiple different materials including: brick, aluminum composite panels(ACM), large curtain wall expanses, and exterior insulation finish system (EIFS).