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Watchung Hills Regional High School Watchung Hills Regional High School


Office of the Business Administrator

The Watchung Hills Regional High School Business Office ensures that district resources are allocated in accordance with State and Federal laws and guidelines in an efficient manner that benefits all of our students and taxpayers. Our financial records are in strict compliance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), and New Jersey Department of Education guidelines on finance, purchasing, facilities management, food service and risk management.

Our office takes pride in working with our administration and staff members to ensure that all public funds are properly accounted to allow the best possible experience for our students.

We encourage you to view our financial information on the links to help gain insight and understanding of our district finances.

Timothy Stys, CPA

Business Administrator/Board Secretary




Tim Stys
Business Administrator



M.A., Education Administration Rider University
B.S., Accounting, Rutgers University, School of Business
A.A., Business, Raritan Valley Community College

Registered School Business Administrator
Certified Public Accountant
Qualified Purchasing Agent