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Watchung Hills Regional High School Watchung Hills Regional High School


Virtual Desktop

A virtual desktop allows students, faculty and staff to access a district Windows 10 desktop computer from anywhere on any device with an internet connection. You can access a virtual desktop directly through a web browser using the HTML5 connection button.

HTML5 Connection (Any device with an internet connection)

You can use any up-to-date web browser via HTML5 connection.

  1. Navigate to
  2. Log in using your WHRHS credentials (Note: Username is not your full email address)
  3. Select the HTML5 button under the available desktop connection

If you receive the following message, "The number of connections to this computer is limited and all connections are in use right now", the desktop you are trying to access is already in use. Please select a different desktop from the list. 

Logging off

To log off a virtual session, either close the browser window or go to the Start menu and select Disconnect.