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Watchung Hills Regional High School Watchung Hills Regional High School


Chromebook FAQs

Q: What should a student do if their Chromebook is damaged?

A: Students may bring their damaged Chromebook to the IT Office located in the Media Center during study hall, lunch, or after school. Students enrolled in the Protection Plan will receive a loaner device to use while their device is repaired. Parents who do not enroll in the optional Protection Plan will be financially responsible for full cost of repair of the device. Students may also email to request help with their Chromebook.

Q: What if a student forgets their device or forgets to charge their device?

A: Students are expected to bring their fully charged device to school every single day. Leaving your device at home is equivalent to leaving your textbook or school supplies at home.

Q: What if the device battery dies during school hours?

A: If students charge the device fully before school each day as they are expected to do, the battery will last throughout the entire day. Remember that the use of technology in the classroom will be determined by the instructor, not the student.

Q: What about theft, accidental damage, and accidental loss?

A: All students are provided with lockers and combinations to prevent theft. Students should not give out their locker combinations nor leave their devices unattended. Devices should not be left in lockers over nights and weekends.

The family must report a stolen device to the police and then turn in the police report to the school. The device tracking will then be activated and the device rendered unusable. The family will be charged the replacement costs unless the parent has taken out the protection plan or the device is recovered. Parents who do not enroll in the optional Protection Plan will be financially responsible for all damage/loss of the device.

Lost devices or chargers are not covered by the Chromebook Protection Plan. Students are responsible for the entire cost of replacing the device or charger.

Q: Will students be provided with cases for the device?

A: Protective carrying cases or bags are not provided by the district but it is recommended to carry the device in a type of backpack, bag protective case that has a compartment for the device

Q: How do I connect the device to a home network?

A: Connecting a Chromebook to a network

Q: How do I print from the Chromebook?

A: Connecting your home printer

Q: If my child is using a school-issued device does that mean the district will be monitoring their use at home?

A: On or off the campus, student devices will have a content monitoring/filter applied. Teachers will not have access to student devices after school hours. Students will have to read the WHRHS Technology Agreement and 1:1 Acceptable Usage Acknowledgement prior to receiving their computers and will be expected to use them responsibly. Please see Gaggle FAQs for more information.

Q: Will faculty or staff have access to the webcam on the device?

A: No. Faculty and staff will not have access to the webcam.

Q: Can I install parental controls?

A: Student issued devices are filtered on and off campus for inappropriate content. These filters are foolproof but if parents want additional security on their home network, they should contact their internet service provider on setting up filtering at home.

Q: How can I access my child's account?

A: WHRHS students have Google Apps account that is accessed by their email address and network password. Parents have access to this information in the Genesis Parent Portal on the Summary Tab.

Q: Are students allowed to install their own apps?

A: No. Apps for school have to put through an approval process. A teacher should submit a ticket with the IT department and then the IT department will start the approval process.

Q: What is the procedure to return the device if my student withdraws from school mid-year?

A: The student should bring the device and charger to the IT department. Upon receipt, a note will be left on the student's account stating the device has been returned.