Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying
If a student, parent or member of the public thinks they have a complaint in regard to Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB), you should contact Mr. Sabino as indicated below:
School Anti-Bullying Specialist
Jason Sabino (jsabino@whrhs.org)
908-647-4800 ext. 4860
Kevin Rice (krice@whrhs.org)
908-647-4800 ext. 7963
Justina Mazzella (jmazzella@whrhs.org at the end of October 2024)
908-647-4800 ext. 6866
District Anti-Bullying Coordinator
Steven Searfoss (ssearfoss@whrhs.org)
908-647-4800 ext. 6831
Policy 5512 Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying
Information for Parents on Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying
HIB District Grade Report - 78 of 78 points awarded for compliance with the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act.
The NJDOE supports the development, implementation and evaluation of comprehensive, coordinated programs, services and activities for the achievement of the following aims:
- The prevention and intervention of at-risk student behavior;
- The prevention of the conditions that place students at risk for unsafe behaviors;
- The development of disciplined learning environments that are conducive to student achievement of challenging academic standards; and
- The development of factors that promote positive student development.
HIB 338 Form for Local Education Agency Personnel
HIB 338 Form for Families and Caregivers
HIB 338 Form for Families (Alternate Languages) - This is a link to the DOE website. Forms are listed on the right side of the page.
NJDOE’s State School Climate Coordinator contact email: hib@doe.nj.gov