Title 1A Information
What is Title 1A?
Title I is a program through which most school districts receive federal funding to provide supplemental instruction for students who qualify. The funds for each school district are based on a state formula that is calculated by the number of students from economically disadvantaged homes. However, Title 1 services are based on the academic needs of students. Students who qualify for academic support may be served in the areas of Language Arts and/or Mathematics. Students in the Watchung Hills Regional High School District are provided with a multitude of assessments throughout the school year. These formative, summative, and performance assessments provide the teachers with the data they need to be able to provide instruction to meet the specific needs of each child. The goal of our Title 1 program is to provide basic mathematical instructional services that students need in order to increase their academic achievement.
Please feel free to provide input into the Title I program by contacting Mary Ellen Phelan: mphelan@whrhs.org. If your child qualifies for our program, parents will receive an email outlining services and dates for parent meetings. Please make every effort to get involved in this opportunity for your child to have more one-on one attention and other educational experiences that will show that you are a partner in their educational experience.
Progress Monitoring
Students who receive Title I services at Watchung Hills Regional High School may be served by general education teacher(s), special education teachers and/or teacher assistants who have been trained in the areas of reading, Language Arts, and Mathematics. The title 1 teacher works closely with your child’s general education teacher and assists with monitoring your child’s weekly progress. The data may be in the form of performance assessments, a collection of your child’s work, or classroom observations. Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher via email or phone to discuss progress, and take advantage of the opportunity to meet one on one when report cards are disseminated.
In accordance with recent federal legislation, Every Child Succeeds Act (ESSA), school districts that received Title I federal funds are required to notify parents of their right to request information regarding a teacher's professional qualifications. Parents may ask questions regarding their child’s teacher including degrees and certifications held and confirm that the teacher is certified in the area he/she is teaching. If you wish more information regarding your child’s teachers, please contact the Director of Human Resources/Professional Development: Beth Scheiderman.