Curriculum & Instruction
Mary Ellen Phelan
Director of Curriculum and Instruction
908-647-4800 ext. 6849
The Director of Curriculum and Instruction works closely with the principal, the Directors of Guidance and Special Services, the other subject supervisors, academic council and the teachers to develop innovative curriculum. The New Jersey Student Learning Standards, our school mission and the strategic plan help set priorities and objectives for each department's instructional plan. The Office of Curriculum and Instruction monitors the implementation, integration and evaluation of the content/academic programs offered at Watchung Hills Regional High School. With rigorous expectations and a wide-range of core and elective opportunities in the nine K-12 standards of 21st Century Life and Careers, Comprehensive Health and Physical Education, English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Technology, Visual and Performing Arts and World Languages, our teachers, staff, and administrators focus on what's best for students as we emphasize problem solving skills necessary for success in our evolving diverse, technological and global world..
Along with community engagement, we are committed to provide a meaningful educational experience with a focus on student-centered learning. School communities dedicated to building a culture of collective responsibility and a focus on making data driven decisions often stand out for their commitment to balancing students' social and emotional well-being and academic achievement. With an ongoing emphasis on continuous improvement, interdisciplinary connections, technological capability, there are multiple opportunities for professional development throughout the year. Teachers are all also involved in Professional Learning Communities(PLCs), and staff members participate in frequent Strategies for Success sessions, and they often attend workshops and conferences on the local, state and national level. Staying abreast of current research, sharing best practices, and improving continually upon classroom instruction are key objectives which drive our mission. Modeling life-time learning, WHRHS professionals prepare our students to become critical thinkers and skillful collaborators, while teaching them that confidence grows out of competence. Our learning community is committed to creating optimal opportunities for our students to grow and learn in high school and beyond.