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Watchung Hills Regional High School Watchung Hills Regional High School


Intent to Organize

WHRHS is proud to support a diverse collection of student organizations. We are selective in welcoming new additions into our co-curricular family to ensure that each new club aligns with our school's philosophy and enhances our community. Only student organizations that develop objectives fully aligned with the philosophy of WHRHS and demonstrate a clear benefit to the school community will be considered for registration, as determined by the All School Council.

Students are responsible for finding an advisor and ensuring all guidelines are strictly followed. Please read the directions carefully to assist in writing the proposed constitution. A club application will not be considered unless all requirements are met. Begin by completing the "Intent to Organize" form in its entirety.

The district will not approve a club with an overlapping mission statement of another school club. 

The steps below must be completed in the specified order:

  1. A completed Advisor Petition form completed. 
  2. A completed Constitution for your Organization/Club. You may use this Constitution Template to help you get started.
  3. The Student Petition form completed. 
  4. Intent to Organize form

The Board of Education will review new club applications during its June Education Committee meeting in consideration for Board approval the following school year at a September or October Board of Education meeting. Clubs seeking to appear on the BOE agenda must submit their applications by April 15th of each school year at the latest, allowing sufficient time for the approval process.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Bertelli.