Peer Leadership Program
Mission/Purpose: The peer leadership program is made up of student leaders who serve as peer mentors and student ambassadors at many major WHRHS events.
Greg and Lauren Krueger
Advisor contact information:
Meeting location:
PAC or South Auditorium
Meeting time:
One meeting per month during lunch
Requirements for members:
Peer Leadership is open to juniors and seniors who are selected through an application process. If selected, it is mandatory that Peer Leaders attend Freshman Orientation, Back to School Night, and 8th Grade Parent Night.
Peer Leadership Applications
2024-25 School Year
Application for 2024-25 School Year (New Member) - Are you interested in giving back to our school community by becoming a peer leader? Peer Leaders are role models, advisors, and friends — but most of all, they are peer mentors who care about the growth and development of incoming students. If you are interested please fill out the application. The attached form is to be completed by any current Sophomore or Junior that is interested in becoming a WHRHS Peer Leader for the 2023-24 school year. Applications must be submitted by May 23rd. Interviews to follow.
Solicitud para el año escolar 2024-25 (nuevo miembro): ¿está interesado en contribuir a nuestra comunidad escolar convirtiéndose en un líder? Los pares líderes son modelos a seguir, asesores y amigos, pero, sobre todo, son pares mentores que se preocupan por el crecimiento y el desarrollo de los estudiantes entrantes. Si está interesado, complete la solicitud. El formulario adjunto debe ser completado por cualquier estudiante de segundo o tercer año actual que esté interesado en convertirse en un compañero líder de WHRHS para el año escolar 2023-24. Las solicitudes deben enviarse antes del 23 de mayo. Entrevistas a seguir.
Application for 2024-25 School Year (Current Member) - Please complete the attached form to be eligible to return as a Peer Leader. *Please note that we will be adding a Character Education component to the club which will require mandatory training sessions. By completing this form you are agreeing to attend those trainings throughout the school year as well as participating in CARE Club/Peer Leader collaborative activities.