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Watchung Hills Regional High School Watchung Hills Regional High School


Summer Playing


Want to be a contributing member on on of our HS teams? If so, playing outside of the school is the best way to get there quicker. Here are some great opportunities to play this summer!

Delaware Valley Youth League (DEVYL)

DEVYL is an organization that offers opportunities for relaxed winter indoor league. They also offer summer playing opportunities where players try out for one of three teams (Open U-20, Open U-20, and Girls U-20 and Girls DEVYLopmental). Players who make the team will compete against the nation's best players in the only national competition for High School Ultimate. 

National Ultimate Training Camp (NUTC)
NUTC is a week long ultimate intensive camp where players will spend 6 days eating, sleeping and playing ultimate. Many of our players have attended NUTC and developed better skills, an increased passion for the game and new friends.

Summer Scrims
Join our captains, alumni and other players for some relaxed pickup practices this summer. Email coach Karnas to be put in touch with some of the players. Ken Karnas-