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Watchung Hills Regional High School Watchung Hills Regional High School



Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about HS Ultimate


Q: I have never played ultimate. Is that a problem?

A: No. About 75% of our players have never played ultimate before starting HS. Some of these players have gone on to play at the college, club and even national level. No experience is needed to join this team.


Q: Is there a "cut" policy on the team?

A: No. We have a boys and girls varsity team and have (depending on interest) also had boys and girls JV squad. 


Q: What is the practice schedule?

A: The schedule differs between teams, but typically we practice 2 days a week from 2:30-4:00 and 2 days a week from 2:30-5:00. 


Q: What if I can't make every practice?

A: We fully understand that new players might not be ready to commit to the full practice and tournament schedule. We encourage players to join and come when they are able. For those players seeking to attain Varsity status, participation expectations do increase and we expect that players will make every effort to be at practice and tournaments. 


Q: How is playing time determined?

A: For Varsity events, playing time is determined by practice attendance, ability, effort, and defensive/offensive assignments as they relate to the flow of a given game. 


Q: Where can I find out more about the game of ultimate itself?



Q: What do I need to do to be ready for the Spring Season?

A: Get medically cleared (  and join the google classroom (BOYS- wbpxcbm & GIRLS- z83h5b7)


Q: I am not sure which team best fits me

A: We are an inclusive team that supports gender non conforming players. All are welcome. 


Q: I still have a ton of questions. What do I do?

A: Email Coach Karnas ( or swing by his classroom (Room 307) to ask!