MRSA Infections
In light of the recent news articles regarding Methicillin-Resistent Staphlococcus Aureaus (MRSA) we want to inform you that there are no known cases of MRSA infections at WHRHS. We have also taken several precautions to prevent this type of infection from occurring:
- The locker rooms for gym and sports are continuing to be cleaned and disinfected on a regular basis
- Coaches and gym teachers are requiring that all students clean out their gym lockers and bring home their gym and practice clothing to be washed on a regular basis
- Students are being informed on how to prevent the spread of skin infections via Newsdaz
- Disinfectant wipes are placed in workout rooms to clean equipment and surfaces after use
Please click on the following links to learn more about MRSA infections and what you can do to prevent and treat MRSA infections:
Public Health Fact Sheet - MRSA Skin Infections
If you have any questions or concerns regarding MRSA infections please call our school nurses:
Angela Valerio, Danielle Estivez or Linda Franco at X4877 or 4878.