Social Studies Placement Prerequisites
History/Social Studies Groupings
Social Studies Course Sequence
An AP/H Level class requires students to have the above average as well as -
- A continuing, viable interest in History/Social Studies
- A high ability to compose well-written analytical essays, research papers, and document based questions supported by discipline specific content/evidence
- A high proficiency in reading and understanding complex history/social studies materials to interpret text and compare/contrast primary and secondary sources
- A high level of confidence, demonstrated by higher order and independent thinking in history/social studies topics
- A high degree of class participation to include effective listening as well as highly articulate speaking skills
An Accelerated class expects students to have the above averages as well as -
- A demonstrated interest in History/Social Studies
- A demonstrated proficiency in composing well-written analytical essays, research papers, and document based questions supported by discipline specific content/evidence
- A demonstrated proficiency in reading and understanding complex history/social studies materials to interpret primary and secondary sources
- A good degree of confidence, demonstrated by higher order and independent thinking in history/social studies topics
- A good degree of class participation to include effective listening as well as articulate speaking skills
A College Prep class accepts students who have the above average as well as -
- An interest or developing interest in History/Social Studies topics
- An ability to compose analytical essays, research papers, and document based questions supported by discipline specific content
- An ability or growing ability to read and understand complicated primary and second sources
- A fair degree of class participation to include effective listening as well as speaking skills