Medical Excuse
Please read the Physical Education Department Policy on extended/long-term medical excuses.
1. In the event of an extended or long-term medical excuse (3 days or more), a doctor’s note is required stating the length of the excuse from PE and the student's return date back to class. If the medical excuse from the treating physician is missing these elements, the parent(s) must ask for a revised note from their doctor.
2. All doctors' notes will be submitted through the nurse's office.
3. Students on extended/long-term medical excuses from PE will complete an online course through Edgenuity to ensure that the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS) for PE have been met and the student is on track for graduation. PE is a graduation requirement each year of high school.
4. Any student on a medical from PE will receive instructions from their guidance counselor about their schedule change and how to access the Edgenuity coursework.