Guidelines for Grading and Homework
A student's numerical grade in Health and PE will be reflected as an H (honors), P (pass) or F (fail) using the following scale:
- 90-100 = H
- 75-89 = P
- 0-74 = F
Category Weighting
- 60% = Participation
- Participation grades will be based on the students effort in learning and applying the skills, techniques and concepts being taught in the particular unit.
- 15% = Unit testing
- Written and/or skill based
- At least 2 during each semester or marking period
- 25% = Preparation
- Wearing proper PE attire
- Homework/assignments completed on time
- Daily preparation will be assessed as follows:
- P = Prepared (100)
- UP = Unprepared (0)
- 2UP = 2nd Unprepared (-50)
- 3UP = 3rd Unprepared and each thereafter (-100)
- MU = Make up (85)
- On the 4th unprepared and each thereafter the student's teacher will notify the student's guardians and guidance counselor.