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Watchung Hills Regional High School Watchung Hills Regional High School


Portfolio Review

Please review the below information before submitting.

If you would like insight into putting together a portfolio for college, review this Portfolio Resource Packet

  1. Please create a Google folder with share settings of your portfolio allowing faculty with a WHRHS account to view.
  2. Please review the MINIMUM requirements for each area of discipline before submitting and they must have been completed within the last two years. These works can be done at WHRHS or outside of school. 

2-D requirements

  • 5 completed works that speak to your ability and style. 
  • These works should show a range of ability, mediums and/or techniques, and should be of high quality (no sketches, unfinished works, etc.)

3-D requirements

  • 5 pieces of your best work that represent a variety of techniques
  • Samples from your Sketchbook

    Before submitting, be sure you label each high quality photo with the material used and year it was made.

If you need assistance please contact Mr. Bertelli.