Guidelines for Grading and Homework
Grading Guidelines and Homework Policy
Grading Guidelines*:
*Please see teacher pages in Genesis for specific grading guidelines.
All missed work will calculate as a zero in Genesis.
Posting to Genesis:
- Homework/Classwork: Graded and entered in a timely basis.
- Quiz: Teacher has 3 school days to grade and post results in Genesis.
- Test: Teacher has 4 school days to grade and post results in Genesis.
- Projects/Writing Assignments/Authentic Assessments: Teacher has 7-10 school days to post results to Genesis.
Homework/Late Work Policy:
- All homework assignments are posted on teacher webpages daily by 2:40.
- If a student is in class on the day a homework assignment is due but does not hand it in, s/he can hand it in the next day for 50% of the grade. After one day late, the grade becomes a zero.
- If a student is not in class on the day a homework assignment is due, they will have two calendar days to turn in the assignment.
- All late projects, writing assignments, and authentic assessments will receive a 10% grade deduction per calendar day that the assignment is late.