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Watchung Hills Regional High School Watchung Hills Regional High School


Science Placement Prerequisites

For 8th grade students moving to 9th grade at WHRHS:

8th grade class


Recommended Course

8th grade science


Biology H


Biology A


Biology CP

Below 60

Conference with school counselor

*Students enrolled in Biology H must have completed Algebra 1.


For current WHRHS students:
9th Grade Biology to 10th grade Chemistry


Grade Required

Course Recommendation

Biology  CP

60-89 in Biology CP

Chemistry CP

Biology CP

90 or above in Biology CP, and

80 or above in Geometry A, or
90 or above in Geometry CP, or
90 or above in Algebra 1A, or
95 or above in Algebra 1 CP

Chemistry A

Biology A

60-70  in Biology A

Chemistry CP

Biology A

71-89  in Biology A, and

80 or above in Geometry A, or
90 or above in Geometry CP, or
80 or above in Algebra 1 A

Chemistry A

Biology A

95 or above in Biology A, and

80 or above in Geometry H, or
90 or above in Geometry A

Chemistry H

Biology H

60-79  in Biology H, and

80 or above in Geometry A, or
90 or above in Geometry CP, or
80 or above in Algebra 1 A

Chemistry A

Biology H

80 or above in Biology H, and

80 or above in Geometry H, or
90 or above in Geometry A

Chemistry H

*Students in Chemistry H class must have completed Geometry.


10th Grade Chemistry to 11th grade Physics


Grade Required

Course Recommendation

Chemistry CP

60-89 in Chemistry CP

Physics CP

Chemistry CP

90 or above in Chemistry CP, and

80 or above in Algebra 2A, or
90 or above in Algebra 2 CP, or
90 or above in Geometry A, or

95 or above in Geometry CP

Physics A

Chemistry A

60-70 in Chemistry A

Physics CP

Chemistry A

71-94 in Chemistry A

80 or above in  Algebra 2 A, or
90 or above in Algebra 2 CP, or
80 or above in Geometry A

Physics A

Chemistry A

95 or above in Chemistry A
Must have completed Algebra 2

Physics H

Chemistry H

60-79 in Chemistry H

80 or above in  Algebra 2 A, or
90 or above in Algebra 2 CP, or
80 or above in Geometry A

Physics A

Chemistry H

80 or above in Chemistry H
Must have completed Algebra 2

Physics H

*Students in Physics H class must have completed Algebra 2.
*Students in Physics CP and Physics A  should be concurrently taking Algebra 2 if they have not completed it already.

Advanced Placement Courses


Biology H Grade

Chemistry H Grade

Biology A Grade

Chemistry A Grade

Placement Biology

85 and up

85 and up

95 and up

95 and up



Biology H Grade

Chemistry H Grade

Biology A Grade

Chemistry A Grade

Chemistry *

85 and up

85 and up

95 and up

95 and up

* It is strongly recommended that students in AP Chemistry complete a sequence of Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2


Biology H Grade

Chemistry H Grade

Biology A Grade

Chemistry A Grade

Environmental Science

80 and up

80 and up

85 and up

85 and up



Physics  H Grade

Physics A Grade

Advanced Placement
Physics C *

85 and up

95 and up

*Students taking AP Physics must be taking AP Calculus BC or AB, or Calculus A concurrently with AP Physics, or they must have already taken one of these math classes previously.




AP Physics 1 

90 or above in Chemistry H or Physics A

Teacher Recommendation

Completion of Algebra 2H or Algebra 2A

Project Lead the Way and Engineering Courses



Introduction to Engineering Design A  (full year)


Principles of Engineering A  (full year)

Introduction to Engineering Design

Digital Electronics A  (full year)


CAD Architecture  (full year)


Civil Engineering Architecture A  (full year)

CAD Architecture

Aerospace Engineering A  (full year)

Chemistry A, Physics A